"Do not feel lonely. The entire universe is inside you." ~ RumiSo you're feeling stuck, or maybe simply taking a breather from the journey, or seeking temporary shelter from storms raging all around. We all know, hopefully by now, this is ok. We know our keep moving mantra is important to our well being, to our quest to finding our truest TRUE SELVES. But sometimes when there are multiple roads diverging in the yellow wood, or when we just need to step back, we can take a break, and sometimes we should.
Does that mean our momentum stops?
Not at all.
I have very recently been reminded that the angels we have encountered along our journeys remain in our lives even if we feel we have lost touch. And those other unexplained encounters and even events experienced as we struggled through the muck and mire of our early skirmishes out of the cloud forest are still providing energy and unexplained direction in even our darkest times of uncertainty and doubt.
Have you felt it? Have there been times when you were not quite sure how to react to an event borne of The Addiction or the remnants of the disease and you decided to simply NOT to, and wondered why you took that counterintuitive path? Have you trusted in your emerging True Self instincts for the first time in what seemed like ages?
Those angels you have encountered, the leftover ripples of power from your previous experiences when YOU said to The Universe, "I am not going to live like this anymore, but I will still love, cherish and pray for my child," that defiant manifesto, are results of your lingering efforts in the early months or years of your journey. The Universe never gives up on us, the Great Creator never ceases to watch over us.
We have created a perpetual motion machine of unlimited possibilities.
Go ahead. Trust me. We can hop back on whenever we're ready. The pathway is still there.
And we are never, never alone!
. . . keep coming back
"Angels are not any extraordinary beings with wings and a halo. They are ordinary people living ordinary lives. But they have special qualities that touch our heart and soul in special ways. They are truly our best friends." ~ Aarti Khurana