Thursday, April 11, 2019

Time To Get Your "Sing" On

"Each of us has been blessed with a purpose that makes our heart sing." ~ Madisyn Taylor
We are all focused on our journeys, are we not? We advance, retreat, we choose one path over another depending on our current state of mind or where our attention needs to be at any particular point along our chosen track. Often we can become so fixated on progress we can forget who we really are, who we wanted to be long ago, who we were meant to be.

What does that mean exactly?

The journey is the thing, certainly. We are striving to become more true to our true selves, more real, for ourselves and our children who only want the same. We are a beacon, or can be, showing the way for our fellow parent-travelers and our addicts and addicts in recovery. It's a lot of pressure to be sure, eased by the pilgrimage and our progress along the way.

Can we become too focused? Can we lose sight of the signposts along the way? Are we so concentrated on keeping our heads down we cannot see what The Universe beckons us to explore?

What turns you on? What was it, years ago you relinquished for the immediate crisis-of-the-month precipitated by The Addiction?

Can we start just one more plate spinning in our lives?

The answer is, must be, YES!

When we think about what passions were once there, or even percolating years ago, we should try not to perceive these as wild detours from our chosen pathway, but as side trails leading to undiscovered treasures along the way. We can always keep our main journey pathway close by, in sight, while we unearth joys, talents and dreams for years stifled by our plunges in and out of the The Addiction's vortex with our children. We will discover treasures which can lead to communities of people who like us, simply want to reclaim life's potential joys, positivity and vigor. Joining in communities of human beings who may or may not have been touched by The Addiction we may also find new perspectives on how we might live life to the fullest.

So what is it that you have forgotten? Are you a singer? - you can join a chorale or choir; Have you wanted to run a 5K, half marathon, marathon or perhaps even one of those crazy Ultras (not Mich Ultra)? - join a running club; Have you always had a penchant for writing? - then START WRITING  DAMMIT!

Take that outside path, the nature trail jutting just to the right, or left, off the beaten track. Become the adventure you were meant to be. It's in you. It's in all of us. Take a moment to Seek and See, then take a deep breath and embark on a new journey to your first undiscovered realm the Great Creator always knew you were meant to explore.

Get out there and sing, shine and show up - be your own beacon to your best. You'll be amazed at the places you'll see, what you'll do and where you'll go. It's a chance worth taking to meet a new and exciting YOU!

. . . keep coming back
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson